Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
Proverbs 3-5 and 6
Well, I'm so excited to start this tonight. This will be my official "first post" on my series "3 years and counting."
I have been so excited about this. My goal is to make you smile, maybe have a giggle escape your being, maybe even a tear will slip down your cheek (I will be highly honored if I make you cry! ;) In a good way of course!)
For days now I have been thinking, praying...pondering and pondering what this series will be about, how many people who will read and comment, what you will get out of it, what I will get out of it.
I want this to be something different something you will look forward to checking on after school or work, or after you lay your baby down for a nap. While the chicken is cooking in the oven, or while your toe nails are drying. I want your input and your thoughts (Positive thinking would be nice)
The subject I will be discussing tonight. Will be "Keeping it simple"
I must confess I envy some of you bloggers. I go on some of yours and I will be the 40th commenter and I think how can someone attract so many readers? How is mine different? Am I boring? Do I ramble too much?
I get greedy. Well, I have six commenter's but...will anyone else comment? Is that all?
I had one of those heart to hearts with my mom tonight as I explained how I really want people to not only read but let me know they are reading my blog.
And just as simple it was for me to be whining it was also just as simple for mom to put me in my place.
"Ginger, are you blogging for popularity or to minister to others?"
22 years old nothing when I'm wrong...I'm wrong and I knew in my heart once again mom is right.
But that's how we get sometimes isn't? We want to do the right thing but we also want the credit.
I may never know how many of you that are out there reading my blog, I may never know how many are out there who has been blessed with something I wrote or laughed, or cried or smiled. But what I do know is that I need to stick to it and not allow the lack of comments hinder me of doing something I believe the Lord would have me to do.
I do hope people will come by especially during this season of Pieces Of My Heart and I would love to hear from you but there is no pressure here if you just want to slip in take a back row seat and read and quietly slip back out that is fine. I'm glad you stopped by.
I would like this though if you enjoy my blog and would not mind promoting my blog on yours I would be honored! I do want many, many people to know about this exciting time over here.
There will be fun posts, inter active posts and even
3 give aways!!!!!Can't wait to see you all back for the next post. Until then have a wonderful night!