Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A Rainy Day

Today I woke up and I just knew it was a cloudy day. Do you ever do that? You don't have to look out the window or open the door but you just can tell it will be dreary day. However, I didn't let the rain get me down instead I made cookies.

Yes, yes you read that right. I am going to start baking and cooking more. I need to get in the kitchen more. So I made thumb print cookies. I was so excited they came out really goooood. And everyone seem to really enjoy it. Me and Mimi had to put them in the other room they were so tasty!

And guess what I swagbuck the "thumb print recipe" and one of the sites that showed up was a blog. So I got the recipe I used from a blog. I thought that was neat!
Well, I just had to brag a little about my baking now I am finished.
Have a great night,

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