I do...
I can't stand it when someone doesn't follow the rules.
When someone moves something of mine without asking.
But here is my question. What do I gain by being aggravated? The truth is I don't gain a thing. I'm not pleasing anyone by being upset. I'm not honoring anybody by
What's the point?
There is no point to being aggravated it's just part of human nature. It's just no point.
But how about this...Joy.
Now that is a word I can get used to. Joy. It just slides off of the tip of your tongue doesn't? Joy.
I can name a thousand things which give me a joy where I couldn't give you a thousand things which give me aggravation.
What gives me a joy?
God's gift of
My faithful and loving daddy
My tender hearted and wise mom
My sensitive and understanding older sister Leslie
My caring and daring older brother Stephen
My witty and best friend younger sister Carole
My prayer warrior and protective younger brother Aaron
My precious gift from God little brother Jeremy
My kind and loving grandmother Mimi
My family
My church
My adorable students
My school
My friends
My Life
and on it goes...
Such a simple small word such mighty meaning.
I have joy when someone tells me I'm just like my mom.
I have joy when I am told I look just like my dad.
I have joy when my nephews and niece wraps their arms around me.
I have joy when Aaron takes my arm and leads me into a store.
I have joy when Carole and I will stay up for hours sharing our hearts.
I have joy when Jeremy looks at me and smiles...

Awww such a sweet post !!!! And I love the pictures -- especially that last one of Jeremy !!!!! :)
Now I've got a Legacy5 song about "Joy" running thru my head!! :)
LOOOOVE the pictures!! That bottom one is so pretty!! (Just don't tell Jeremy I said so! ;)) Good thoughts too. We get so upset sometimes over the dumbest things. :P
Something that gives me joy? When Breanna says "I lube you!". :) Love, love that.
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