Now I am suppose to link what Jessica said about me... Ginger ~ at Pieces Of My Heart She has been an blessing to me since I met her on here!! Thanks for all your encouraging comments Ginger!! :)
And link her blog to mine which I already did and now I have to do the hard task of picking five bloggers I think deserve this award. Some people may think of it as a silly little blog award thingy people do. But I decided I was going to really think about who I think deserves this.
So here it goes...the tension is high as I name these special bloggers please no applauding until I am done thank you!
Courtney ~ I have mention time and time again that Courtney was the first blogger I had found when I started. And she has been a blessing to me ever since. Her posts are both encouraging and humorous.
Joshua and Caleb ~ These young men (LOL...they are not much younger than I. I'm sounding like I am 200 again!) Are actually Courtney's brothers. I just recently started checking their site often and wow I say!! If you don't want to get convicted or have your heart do a flip flop I would suggest you not go over there!
Jen~ She is also a fairly new blogger I check often. She plainly has a heart for the Lord. Her
posts large or small always have something interesting in them.
Anna Joy~ I absolutely love going over to this young girls blog. There are too many times to count that I have read one of her posts and couldn't control my laughter.
Morgan Denise~ Besides being completely envious of her living in KY seeing Southern Gospel singers in the grocery store and actually knowing Mitchell Tole!! (A really great artist who has painted portraits of legendary SG artists) lol...I totally enjoy her posts from politics all the way down to her adorable niece!!
I know five was my limit but I had to save the one blogger who I have known practically her whole life and who has been my sister's best friend for practically their whole life. More recently has become a pretty close friend to me. Mackenzie~I have always thought that her blog being named Mackenzie's Heart fit her to a "T" This girl is a treasure and every post if it's silly or serious comes from her heart.
Okay, now you may applaud!!! LOL....Thanks again Jessica!!
Thank you!!!!
Hey! What do you mean recently!!?? You just like me more, now that I put music on your MP3 for you!!!
(total change of mood) Oh, ging. That was so sweet of you. (sniffle)
LOL! Thanks Ginger!! :) That made me laugh out loud. :D I'm going to try to "pass it on" on my blog tonight. :)
Thanks again!
Thank you so much Ginger!!! Glad you enjoy reading our blog.
Why thank you! :)
How sweet!! Thanks so much!!
Hello Ginger, I'm the owner of this award. Could you link it back to the original site?
It looks like somewhere the rules of the award were cut out you can find them at the above link.
Eric Novak
I am very sorry about the link. I had tried to link it before but it didn't work. But I fixed it now so if you press on the award it will link to your blog.
Thanks for visiting!
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