Monday, November 3, 2008

Don't forget to vote tomorrow...

...and pray for our Country.


Stepheny said...

Isn't that SO true! Either way, whoever gets in this country is going to need LOTS of prayer! And God's hand over it!

Steph :)

Anonymous said...

Ginger, Congrats on getting to vote the first time!!! Yay!!!!!!! I remember that! I was so excited!! Esp since a friend was running for office that year!! Check out my blog today!! :D

Love, Britt (friend of "Aunt Morgan")

Anonymous said...

hey....i voted! yay for me! I"m proud to say i did vote ya know? hehe
girl...i must confess..i'm so sorry about your tag that you did on me and I hadn't done it yet!!!
ginger's tag!!
it'll be done tomorrow :)

Three Sisters Blog said...

Happy Autumn!!! :)

~3 sisters

Courtney, Jer.33:3 said...

I was able to early vote due to me moving out of state right before election day.
Didn't get the results I had hoped, but God knows all about it.