I watched their shy smile as I introduced our class pet, my heart melted when the ice became water and the hugs started coming and the "I love you" started to flow to my glad ears. I watched them read their first word, solve their first addition problem, coach them through their first book.
My heart was sad when they missed school or the first time they disobeyed in my care.
I rejoiced with them when they held the baby food jar in my face with a lonely tooth hitting each side of the jar as the heroic story was told again on how the tooth was released from the gums of the five year old, my stomach tied itself in a not as I gazed at the still blood stain tooth.
I feel like I myself had just run a race as the last spelling word is written and checked and I can proudly say the child has received a 100.
First grade is harder than it looks and my first graders are some hard workers. They truly are.
The last few weeks they have all been receiving a 100 on their spelling pre-test so a couple of weeks ago we had a pre-test pop corn party!
One of my students said "Does that mean we can throw popcorn around the room?"
I love my class!

Love it!!! :)
Love it!!! :)
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