.....is the God in the valley when things go wrong He'll make them right,and the God in the good times is still God in the bad times don't loose faith because your never alone...
Wow, that song gives me chills. I have always love that song. A good ole southern gospel singer named Lynda Randle sings that song like no other and I think I need to scramble through my old Cd's and pull out hers where she is singing that song.
I need to hear her smooth deep voice sing the truth of those words into my heart. When we were going through some trials back in the winter a good friend of mine sent me those lyrics in an email. I let the roads seep through my being as small tears ran down my face and I knew every word was true.
While my dad was in the hospital and I walk the halls of the hospital while pushing Jeremy in the stroller I heard those words in my head..... "The God in the good times is the God in the bad times..." I knew at that moment that I deemed that song "my" song.
It's no longer a song I like I believe it is my life song. Just a few short weeks ago I watched my dad healthy and strong walk Carole down the isle. A few short days ago I pushed the stroller closer to the gurney so Jeremy could tell dad he loved him before dad went to surgery. I stood close to my mom that early morning trying not cry as my mom lips trembled. God with us on the joyous that dad gave Carole away and He was with us when we told dad we loved him as he was being brought to the surgery room.
It's been a trying couple of weeks. But God has been so good. He has used this time to teach me so many lessons. I have learned to thank him for the smallest blessings.
My dad is on bed rest and will be home for the next six weeks.
Well, with all of this I really had forgotten about my favorite day of the year my birthday which is tomorrow July,28th. It's so weired how fast things change how fast things that mean the world to you one minute the next you totally forget it's coming soon.
I am so thankful my dad is back home that is truly the best gift this year. Please continue to pray for him this was BIG and he has a long way to go for recovery!
Thank you so much,
Happy birthday to a young woman who makes God smile. "The bolts of your gates will be iron and bronze, and your strength will equal your days." Much love.
Happy Birthday, Ginger!! I am so glad that your dad is able to be home on your special day!
Praying for your dad and the rest of your family!!
p.s. I LOVE that song!!
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