As I sit in my bedroom with the shade open the sun pouring into my room, my hair up in a pony tail and the fan blowing towards me I think about how fast time really flies. It feels like there was just snow on the ground. I was wearing a winter coat and we had to be careful walking on the ice.
And now the sun is here, the hot weather is here, the ticks are here....Yes, well I could live without the ticks. But all in all Spring is here! In every part of the word!!
Carole and I are heading down to our Mimi's tomorrow. My April vacation from school is here and we are planing on having a marvelous time with our family and friends. I am sure I will have time to pop in here and give you play by play of things we will be doing.
My mom is now five months along. We are more than half way there! As you can see by my past posts the mural is coming along beautifully! It is so exciting to see it progress into another of mom's master pieces! She is so talented!!
I am enjoying folding laundry these days! Can anyone guess why? Well, when we buy baby clothes from the thrift store we wash them. And so folding baby clothes is a whole lot more fun then folding my own clothes!!!
I will pick a pair of pajamas up and cradle it in my arm and think in just a few short months a baby will be in this and not any baby my baby brother!!
I can hardly believe it but when I come back from April vacation. I will only have one more month of school before summer vacation! Can we say that this school year went fast??
Carole will be graduating high school this June!! dear little sister is growing up so fast! Sniff...
I bought this beautiful comforter set at Walmart for twenty one dollars a couple of weeks ago! It's so pretty!!
Okay, I should end for now...I hope you all are having a wonderful Sunday. more thing my baby brother is already a BIG Southern Gospel fan he loves... "I'm Saved." By the Down East Boys.:) He kicks very hard when we play his fave kind of music!!:D

I love when someone else posts a ramble least then I know I'm not the only one who rambles! Enjoy your down time with family! I am sure its getting hard to wait for that little brothers to arrive huh? Also, congrats to your sister, I am a senior too, so I know how exciting it is as it gets closer to June! :)
Candyce loves southern gospel music as well!! She kicks and kicks when I play music in the car, or when they sing at church!! I think her favorite song is "Living by Faith" by the Perrys. :)
loving the ramble post =) How exciting about your baby brother - I am sure you will have a blast with him!!
Can't wait to see baby pics! Also Ginger, did you get my email with my address? Did you send it out yet? Thanks
I know ya'll are getting more and more excited about that new baby! Can't wait to see pics of it! :)
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