Oh brother.
Well, first off. A HUGE BIG THANK YOU to MACKENZIE!!! Love the new look on my corner of the web.
Secondly, the school year is going well. I am keeping myself busy thats for sure. Hearing my name called over and over could be an annoyance to some but for the most part it's a blessing to me. I love these little guys. They fill my life with smiles and laughter.
The one thing I find hard to do is prepare my first graders for second grade they have been with me since k4 so they have only ever had me for a teacher so they tend to rely on me for things that they could do themselves. Of course when they were in k4 it was very easy for me to help them with everything but now I found myself making them do more. And it's hard. But sooner then they think they are going to be in the big second grade and thats a leap and jump from first grade.
We are celebrating 100 days in school very soon. The kids are so excited and can't wait to have our party.
Jeremy is doing well growing so fast. He is saying more sentences then just words. He is just the apple of my eye.
I promise to update more often. I do love this blog! ;)

I started to comment the other day and then for some reason got stopped before I got to. Yay for a new update!! ;)
Sounds like you have lots going on at school! Your kids are gonna miss you when they go into the second grade!!!
Love your new header!! Looks so cute!! Sounds like you are having fun with your little First Graders! :) Breanna is in First Grade this year and we are loving it !!! I just love watching her learn new things -- sooo fun!!
take care--
Your page looks so good Ginger!!! Sorry I haven't been by in a while. I just don't get by blogger much anymore. My time is taken up with grandbabies and with facebook posting pics and such on there. I have created a fan page named after my blog that I will post things on. You can get to it via my latest post on my blog if you should want to come by.
Glad to see you are doing well.
Love you!!!
Sis. Julie
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