Monday, July 13, 2009

Little facts..

Fact number one: Carole and myself are now back home we had a great time on our two week vacation. Spent lots of time with friends and family!

Fact number two. While we were at my Mimi's (Grandmother) house I created a Facebook account for her.:D AND... we found a friend of hers from sixth grade!!!! AND...her friend remembered her and was so excited she found her!!!

Fact number three:My 22nd birthday is in just a few weeks!!!

Fact number four: 24 more days until my baby brother is born!!!

Fact number five: We traveled home today and left my Mimi's at four thirty in the morning!!!

Fact number six: I am so thankful I ordered a cup of coffee at Burger King I think I would have fainted by now from being so tired!

Fact number seven: My family and I went to a tent revival this weekend!

Fact number eight: I had a very good time working in the nursery for both services yesterday!

Fact number nine: School is going to be here before I know it!

Fact number ten: I need to end this post!


Jen said...

Nice facts! I like the tent revival one!

Funny coincidence, I posted a similar "fact post" after disappearing from the online world for like 9 months! :-D

Anonymous said...

Fun post!!

That's so neat about your Mimi "finding" her friend!! She's probably "hooked" on FB now, huh?! :)

You left at 4:30 AM?! Yikes!!!

I've never been to a tent revival!
