Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Like I promised...

Here is my dear, sweet baby sister or brother. Isn't he or she adorable?? If you look closely I labeled the head and the foot! I am so excited! Mom is feeling well. She is getting bigger by the day!
In other news, February vacation is next week!!! Yay, I am very excited!! Lord willing, I am spending the week with Mimi!


Unknown said...

Awwwwwwww ... I can't wait for this little one to arrive! So glad your Mom is feeling well!!

Anonymous said...

Yay!! I've been checking and checking!! How sweet!!

Have fun on your vacation!!!


Courtney, Jer.33:3 said...

How exciting! I have memories of going in with Momma to see the actual ultrasound. It was exciting!!

Anonymous said...

aWE LOOK at my cute little nephew/niece :) Cant wait til you get here!! that reminds me gotta pick up some pickles..Perhaps we should all have chinese??

Aunt barb

Morgan said...

Wow!!! :D What an adorable picture. That's great that your Mama is doing well, and I hope you have a great time on your vacation. Take care! :hug: