Thursday, August 14, 2008

Once Upon a time...

There lived a little girl who loved to play house. Every free moment she had she would have a doll in her hand with all the trimmings, baby bottles,diaper bags...the works. "House" however was not the only game she enjoyed playing...

Down stairs in her church building in a small classroom that held all of her mom's k4 galore teaching supplies, she would stand at her mom's desk looking at the small desks in front of her. She would quietly eye the door and make sure no one was watching and then she would begin...teaching the imaginary students their,numbers and the alphabet, reading them Bible stories and putting a naughty child's name on the bored. Little did she know her mother and her former kindergarten teacher secretly watched this girl teach the empty room. They would quietly laugh and agree that one day she would have a class of her own...

My smile just can't leave my face and my fingers just can't type fast enough to let all of you know that little girl will have her very own k4 class this school year! Yes, friends, that little girl is me I will be at the front of the board this year. Living my dream. My goodness I am living my dream!!

So my secret is out. I am buying school clothes,looking at and buying school supplies, telling everybody I know that, yes, I am following in my moms foot steps and am becoming a teacher!! I can't wait to get into my classroom and start getting it ready!


Events In The Life said...

Hey Ging,
How are you? TERRIFFIC, STEWPENDOUS POST! I LOVED IT!!! All members of the family(friends too) are very proud of you! I know I am! Blessings in your class, and may the Lord give you guidence. I look forward to hearing all about your first day, and every day at school. I wish I was in it, but I don't live there and I'm too old unfortunately. Great job and accomplishment! I love you!


Anonymous said...


Holding you in prayer, God bless you. Beth x

Anonymous said...

Wow!!!! I bet you are so excited!! How neat!!!


(By the way, I've just given you a blog award. :) )

T said...

Oh Ginger I am so happy for you! How wonderful it is that you will be able to do what you love! Thanks for spilling the beans before I had to leave. I sure would have hated to be in suspense so long! Congratulations! You will make a wonderful teacher.

Stepheny said...

So excited for you Ginger! That is really awesome!

I will be praying for you that everything goes well!


Unknown said...

Oh! so happy for you!!!!!! How exciting ... I'm sure you'll be a wonderful teacher and those little ones in your care will adore you! :) I love teaching Sunday School to the little grades ... they are so precious and learning is such fun!

Serena Smith said...

How wonderful!!! I'm sure you are really excited!!! I love teaching my Sunday School class of little ones and I'm sure you will enjoy your class as well!!! :)

Jessica said...

Congratulations Ginger!!! That's so exciting. :)