You may be wondering what I am reffering to on my title up there. Well.....BLOGGING of course. Tonight, as I sit on my bed enjoying soothing music coming through my laptop speakers listening to the gentle blowing from the fan in my window while feeling the coolness on my arms. Sitting in the dark with the exception of the light from the screen on my computer.
I blog hop from one great blog to another not commenting tonight just reading smiling, laughing, maybe shed a tear from time to time. Just enjoying the quiet solitude of my bedroom. And just being happy that my dial up connection has not kicked me off ....yet...:) While I do this I think to myself you know I really love blogging!
I know, I haven't been faithful to this ole blog but whenever I update I usually have at least one or two fellow bloggers leaving a sweet comment that makes my heart smile. And that my friend encourages me to blog some more! But I also understand the ones who check often and smile when they see a new post they read it. Maybe even get a giggle or a tear in their throat or even find an encouragement word or sentence in my post but just can't think of a comment to leave. I do the same thing! Honestly I do all the time!
Today, I started talking to mom while I sat in the rocker in the nursery while she moved her paint brush slowly up and down the mural she is working on. I started talking about how amazing this blog thing really is.
Two years ago I had no idea any of you existed and it just took me creating this blog and then discovering yours to find some wonderful people in this blogging world. I have realized that when I mention some of you to some one else no more is "This girl I know from a blog." It's my friend in KY or my friend in GA...etc.."
Some of you have really made an impact in my own life it may just be a surprise package in the mail or an encouraging email or just a sweet comment on my blog. You all mean so much to me!
But, nights like these where a post like this comes from no where but it's to important not to post I think yes indeedy I may not be the most faithful one but I am a blogger! And yes my friend I am very proud of that!
I hope this hasn't bored you or made you feel sleepy. But I hope you know this has come from my heart!
One more thing 15 more days until the baby is born!!!