Monday, March 23, 2009

Spring cleaning....

Well, I have been doing some "spring cleaning" on my laptop. And I had found some pictures that I don't think I have ever showed my bloggie people from this past year. This picture is from a concert my family went to last fall. Have you ever heard of the Southern Gospel Group Triumphant quartet? They are a fantastic group!! Half of the member came out of the group Kingdom Heirs. And it was an honor and pleasure to be able to hear them sing and meet them after the concert.

This is Carole I kissing are dear ole baby brother Aaron around Christmas time.

Here is another picture of the group singing on stage.

I hope you all enjoyed a little of my spring cleaning. I am now going to go upstairs where I really should be spring cleaning and find a "spring" outfit for school tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

Oh how fun! Isn't it fun to go back through old pictures sometimes?! :)


Unknown said...

I love looking thru old pictures ... what fun to reminise !!!!!!!! :) I've never heard Triumpant ... someone told us last night that a church in the area is having the Patriots -- I've never heard of them ... don't know if we'll go or not...

Courtney, Jer.33:3 said...

Oh, me.........I was looking at the first picture and then I saw the second one.......time froze for a moment...........then, I realized you were kissing your brother, NOT one of the Triumphant Q members.........LOL!!!!!!!!!!!