Tuesday, July 29, 2008

My 21st Birthday.

My 21st birthday was a day I will always remember, not only because I turned 21, but because it was my very first birthday without my family being with me. I talked to them many times yesterday on my phone, but I just missed them being with me. I went to work where my older sister made me a birthday cake and my boss gave me a beautiful purse and a necklace.
Happy Birthday Aunt Ginger!! Yup, that is what she is saying!!! Isn't that cute???LOL

After work I went back to Mimi's, where I was able to rest for a couple of hours before I went over to my older brother Stephen's house for a cookout. Mackenzie and her sister and dad came over to give me my gifts. Three beautiful pairs of earrings, a gift card to my favorite store, JCPennys, and the cutest window cling birthday cake that Maddie made herself!

Of course I also spent my birthday with my two favorite nephews!!!! As soon I came into the daycare yesterday morning Patrick ran over and said Happy Birthday Aunt Ginger!!!

Just to let you know, he is reading a Lori Wick book. Yup, I am training him young:)

Before I left work yesterday I was told someone was at the door for me. After asking one of the boys to come with me, because I had no idea who this man was, so I needed a five year old body guard with me, I opened the door to see a man with a candy bouquet "Are you Ginger?" "Yes?" "So you are Stephen's sister?" "Yup." "This is for you. Happy birthday!" Isn't that sweet? My brother and sister in law and baby niece sent me a candy bouquet!

I just thought that was the sweetest thing ever. Of course my birthday was just a little bit sweeter when I was able to get my little niece in my arms. Oh, isn't she just a doll? I can't believe how much she has grown. She was three weeks old on my 21st birthday!My Aunt Barbara bought me a cheese cake for my birthday (My favorite type of cake) With strawberries. It was very good.
So, all in all, I had a very good 21st birthday. Thank you all for all your birthday wishes!! I really liked them all. Of course to end my birthday post, I need too put at least one more picture of Alyvia...

Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Worst Blogger Award!

Yes I just nominated myself for the worst blogger award! I honestly tried to blog two times this past weekend but never ended up being able to finish them. Instead of "Pieces Of My Heart" I should change my title to "Excuses Of My Heart"

Well, tomorrow is the big day. The day I turn the big 21!! My older sister, Leslie, brought me up to my house. So I was able to spend my birthday weekend with my family. This is so weird, not being able to spend my birthday with my family. But I was able to open my gifts and have a cake my mom made one of my favorite meals, tacos, for dinner. So yesterday really did feel like it was my birthday even though it wasn't.

Besides work, I really have no clue how I am going to spend my birthday I guess this is a part of growing up. Depressing, I know!! I am glad I will be able to be with Mimi on my birthday. That is a plus!

I have a post forming in my head that really will be coming from my heart. But I need to be a little more awake to write it. But keep your eyes open because I would like all my bloggers and visitors and on lookers and who ever else, to read this post.

I was able to see a family group called the Keffers sing tonight. I have seen them many times as a child and it was nice to hear them again. I was able to talk to the wife of one of the singers and hold her youngest baby boy! He was adorable and put his arms right out to me. Sigh...what a cutie!

I hate to once again keep my posting short, but I really need to head to bed before I fall asleep on the keys.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Yes, saying I am busy is an understatement.

I have been trying to blog all week, but as you can see, I failed miserably. Besides working all week, babysitting my nephews on Friday night, going home for about eight hours yesterday, and then coming back here, arriving at one thirty in the morning, I haven't had the time to think, let alone blog.

Pieces Of My Heart is never far from my mind. There was a time that I hardly was not on my little nook on the web, and now I find it a challenge just to be able to check and read some of my favorite blogs. I can't promise that I am going to get any better on updating a lot more frequently this summer, but hopefully I will get back in the swing of things this school year.

I don't think I will ever forget this summer. It's been such a huge change in some ways. I miss home, I miss my family, and just the feeling of home. However, it's fun working in the summer. It's fun getting some extra cash and trying to figure out how I am going to spend it. I am really enjoying working with my older sister. We share so many laughs in one day.

I have fallen in love with all the children there. I have also grown a real appreciation for the weekends.*Smile* Daycare has proven to me to be a real tiring experience. I mean you get everything, throwing up children on your lap (and then catching it Friday night while babysitting your nephews) Stopping a two year old from putting a little girl in a head lock. Hearing so much whining you start whining yourself.

It's also rewarding when a two month old stops crying as soon as I hold her. A five year old wants me to help him with a puzzle. A four year old says Ginger in such a way my heart wants to melt.

I have also enjoyed spending time with my two nephews and my niece.:) Even though I haven't seen Alyvia in over a week:(

I have also tried my first Lobster last week at my sister's house. LOL...that was quite the experience!! That poor lobster. One minute Devyn's patting it, the next minute it's in boiling water, dead. Next it's on my plate, staring at me...Scary, I say, very scary.lol But it turned it out tasting pretty good.

Well, I should end for now and consider falling asleep, because believe it or not, it's Monday again tomorrow!! Oh...oh one more thing. For some reason the date is off on here, and it says it's the 14th, but it's really the twentieth, and in eight days it's my 21st birthday!!! Oh, and yesterday was my dad's. Happy birthday Daddy!! Until next time...

Sunday, July 13, 2008

I am so proud!

Isn't she adorable?? I can fill this blog with this little face forever and not get sick of this subject.Look she is smiling!!!What a happy little baby.
Patrick holding baby Alyvia.
Look at that foot!
My sister Leslie and Patrick with Alyvia.
Alyvia's great Mimi.
The tired daddy.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Meet Alyvia Elizabeth.

I love this picture Devyn doesn't look all that happy about his Aunt Ginger holding another baby.
Devyn and Alyvia sitting on the couch together. He was so proud holding her. It was adorable. Patrick was home sick with his mom so maybe I will have some pictures of him meeting Alyvia another day.

A gift from God is all I can think as my eyes take in these precious pictures. I can't believe my first niece is finally here! My family couldn't travel this weekend my dad caught what I had last week. Although, as you can see I was still able to meet my niece last night.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

A Wonder.

Words can not express the joy in my heart over my newborn niece. As pride overwhelms my being and shakes the inner parts of myself, I feel so overly blessed over the precious miracle God has given to our family. My love for my big brother just swells my heart when I think he is now not only my big brother but a daddy...wheph....What a thing!! I am so happy I could leap with joy, and am counting the days, hours, until I can see her. Nope, I am afraid I still haven't seen her. I wouldn't dare go near her since I was sick earlier this week. But this weekend...is a whole knew story...yup Lord willing I will meet this baby niece of mine this weekend!!!

To hold you over until I get some with me in the picture:)

Monday, July 7, 2008

Guess what???

I'm an Aunt again!!Tonight my sister in law gave birth to precious beautiful baby girl. Alyvia Elizabeth!! I can't wait to see her. She just didn't want to wait until the 28th (My birthday) Can't say I blame her!! My very first niece!!! We are all so excited!!!

What a wonderful night!!! I can't wait to show all of you pictures!!! Have a great evening!!!


I happen to love children. I don't know what I would do if there were no children around me but I can say this, I do despise children's germs. Apparently the drooling, the sneezing, the coughing the sharing would catch up to me sooner than later.

This past Friday I went up to my house and was just thrilled to be home. However, Saturday, during the cookout I didn't feel all that great. By Saturday night I had a fever. I stayed home yesterday morning from church, then started back to my grandmother's Sunday afternoon. After six hours of traffic, not getting lost once, we finally arrived home around nine!

I woke up this morning with a phone call. It was my dad. My brother Stephen called him this morning on the way to the hospital. My sister in law Liz's water broke! I guess the baby doesn't want to wait for my birthday after all! I haven't heard anything after all this time, but just maybe, I may have a niece before the night is over.

Of course I can't see her because I am sick. I didn't go to work today because, yes, I had a fever this morning. I am feeling much better tonight after sleeping all day!! The cook out went well. It wasn't overly huge but it turned out okay. Friends of the family that we don't see often surprised us by coming. It was great seeing their kids again. They have gotten so big!!

I will be sure to keep you all updated on my niece!!! Please keep my sister in law and brother in prayer!!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th!!!

Hey everyone,
Yes, I have completely neglected my blog and I am truly sorry about it!! I am really going to try to update a lot more in the next week. The daycare has been going really well. I have fallen in love with a whole new group of children, which will be hard to leave at the end of this summer.

One little baby in particular has really won my heart right over. She is a little foster baby and is only a month old. Please keep her in your prayers.

I am rushing this post off because I am heading home for the weekend. Our annual fourth of July cook out is tomorrow, and I am very excited that I am going to be able to make it!!

I hope you all will have a wonderful 4th of July weekend. Again, I am sorry about my lack of faithfulness to this little blog of mine. Please keep me in your prayers while my aunt and cousin and myself travel.

Have a great day and lets not forget the many men and women fighting in other parts of the world for the freedom we hold dear!